Set Meal (Menu)

On November 4, 2015, Posted by , In English, With Comments Off on Set Meal (Menu)

Here is the feature for creating menus or bundles for a business. You’ll be able to create as many menus as you want.Necessary components:

  • Menu name, for exemple: “Evening menu”, or “Family menu”
  • Price: this field isn’t mandatory, as you can enter the price in the menu description
  • Description: you’re going to use the text editor to create a menu, look below to see how to create a beautiful menu
  • Rules: this field isn’t mandatory, you would be able to use it to specify some conditions, for example “only available on mondays”
  • Picture: this field isn’t mandatory


How to use the text editor

You can use the functions in the text editor menu to apply styles to your text, change the alignment and color.

To enter a new menu, click on  and repeat the above process.

You can obtain menus like this in your app: