On June 26, 2023, Posted by , In English, With Comments Off on MIGAWHATSAPP


The Migawhatsapp introduces the new ability to dispatch WhatsApp messages from Siberian to all users with registered mobile numbers. This innovation fills a critical gap by reaching users who might otherwise remain inaccessible through conventional push notifications. Moreover, to streamline communication and prevent redundancy, users equipped with both a mobile number and a push token can be selectively excluded from these transmissions.

This update seamlessly integrates with the MIGACHAT module, offering an optional AI integration feature within Siberian. Upon installation, administrators have the flexibility to enable or disable MIGACHAT integration through a newly introduced menu, with the integration set to enabled by default.

The integration empowers Migachat to receive and respond to messages originating from WhatsApp users. handle the AI’s response and forward it to the specific WhatsApp user with specific procedures to handle message forwarding and maintain communication history.


To access the Migawhatsapp interface, open the “Modules” section in the vertical menu of your App Builder. Then select “MIgawhatsapp”.

Manual sending: Users have the ability to manually send WhatsApp messages from the interface. They can enter the message in a text area provided in the Migawhatsapp function.

Broadcast or individual message sending: Users can choose between two options for sending WhatsApp messages: broadcast or individual message.

Filtering valid phone numbers: The interface filters and displays only the users who have a valid phone number stored in their account. This ensures that WhatsApp messages are sent only to users who have provided a phone number.

Selecting recipients for individual messages: If the single message-sending option is chosen, users can select specific recipients from the entire module interface. The interface filters all app users and displays only those who have a mobile phone number stored.

Scheduling options: When selecting the Scheduling Option the menu Appears as shown in the Image which allows the administrator to Schedule the message.

Simplified management: With this new feature, there is no need to check the PUSH table or create a cron job. The sending of WhatsApp messages can be managed manually through the Migawhatsapp module.


Now this tab supports many new features from where you can do a variety of new settings.

  1. Multiple Gateway Support
    • You can now set 2 gateways inside the gateway settings
        • This is the default/primary gateway and the recommended one as well
      • WA API SLAVE
        • This acts as a  secondary/backup gateway that works well when the master gateway stops working or is down for some reason
    • Also, a CRON runs in the background as well that keeps on checking every hour if any instance is down and another one is working, then it switches to the one which is working and in the Settings tabs one can set if they want to get notified if the instance is switched or not working
    • Gateway settings also include a setting for manual instances of switching if you want to do that
    • When you change the Gateway Type dropdown, it will check and update the status of the selected instance and also update the common instances status dashboard on the top
  2. Whatsapp Number Field
    • Put your exact WhatsApp number here that is or will be used for this instance. Later it will be used for self-messaging purposes for validating the diconnectivity in real time.
  3. Access Token & Instance ID
    • The two fields are required and are the root for the module to work
    • You need to select your Gateway Type first and then you will see a Scan QR Code button below the drop-down
    • This will take you to a new page if you have not yet set the access token & instances id for a new fresh QR Scan Process otherwise it will open the page for updating the QR Code
    • Once you scan it, you will see a success message and you will get a WhatsApp message on your scanned phone number about your Access Token & Instance Id. Something like that:
    • You can use these credentials to verify your gateway settings by saving them and validating

NOTICE: To use the system you must purchase a subscription for each of your Whatsapp numbers on the website www.migasender.com

IMPORTANT: Every sim must be run in for at least a week with a few messages a day before connecting them to MIGASENDER. Otherwise, there may be a risk of a ban.


The new Settings Tab allows the  Admin user to configure the various General Settings listed below with their function.

  1. **Country Code Settings:**

2.**Webhook Settings:**

    • We declare the webhook to Siberian when we store the first configuration, so the WA gateway can notify of new instances, etc.

    • When there is an instance ID issue occurs warn the admin with an email.

    • When a new instance is created the instance ID is updated in the system automatically.

3.**Migachat Intigeration:**

    • The MIGACHAT module is installed in Siberian and an INSTANCE is installed in the current APP, we will display a new menu to ENABLE or DISABLE MIGACHAT AI INTEGRATION. By default, the integration is ENABLED.
    • Migachat needs to receive any messages written on WhatsApp from users and respond accordingly.

NOTICE: To use Migachat Integeration MIGACHAT module must be installed in the APP.

3.**Api Settings:**

    • The Settings that enable the Chat history API Token.
    • Enabled Send Message API allows the user to get an API Token.
    • For more Details Please Read the API Documentation.

OpenAI Configuration [NEW]

A new feature has been introduced for native chat messages on WhatsApp which is called Text-to-speech (TTS) & Speech-to-text (STT). Below are the rules and process about how it works:

  • The module will check if you have already installed the MIGACHAT module (also added to the app) and if it is configured already with an Organization ID & Secret Key, then it will be prefilled inside the respected fields here in the configurations (you need to save it however)
    • Rule 01:
      • If Enable Speech to Text? & Enable Text to Speech? both options are enabled, and primary gateway is working then you will get an audio response for an audio message.
      • The received audio message will be transcribed to text, using STT & then forwarded to MIGACHAT (if enabled) for an answer, then this answer will be converted to speech using TTS service and returned to the user in the form of audio
    • Rule 02:
      • If the primary gateway is down, the STT option will be disabled automatically and needs to be switched on manually again and you will get an error message in case of an audio message
  • You can also choose the voice options for your voice responses from Voice Options


NEW: We have added many new exciting features in our API that can help you to grow more by sending different types of messages with the updated API features such as:

Send Text Only Messages

Send Image Messages With & Without Caption

Send Audio & Video Messages

Speech-to-text (STT) & Text-to-speech (TTS) [NEW]

To use this feature inside API or Native messaging, you need to do a few setups:

  1. Get your credentials from the OpenAI API keys sections
  2. Enable the desired feature and hit save
  3. For Text-to-speech you can also set voice options

For more information check out our latest updated API Documentation for further assistance.


The Tab contains grids of Message logs with details of status, origin, etc.

  • logs can be filtered by phone number, start date, and End date.
  • Logs are extractable from Excel, and CSV or can simply copy.

TTS & STT Stats [NEW]

As we have introduced the TTS & STT features which cost per characters and minute respectively. So this feature adds great visual ads to manage get an idea of your usage and how much far you go so far and many more things that are displayed to you for both TTS and STT in the form of Cards, Line Chart & Logs Grid.


LINK: https://support.migastone.com/en/hrf_faq/migawhatsapp/