
On September 19, 2023, Posted by , In English, With Comments Off on MigaBridge

The MigaBridge module intercepts any attempt to send an individual notification by any module for Siberian that uses the Push Notifications system in use up to version 4.20.44 of Siberian and sends it via the new system implemented by version 5.x.

The module therefore allows the use with version 5.x of Siberian of all those modules that do not yet natively implement the new system for push notifications based on the interface with OneSignal.

NB: the module compatible only with Siberian 5.x. To make push notifications work with Siberian 5.x it is necessary to correctly configure the app on the OneSignal panel and copy/paste the relevant API keys into the frontend of the app on Siberian app builder. It is recommended to refer to the Siberian and OneSignal guides. Operation of the module also requires the installation of Siberian’s Individual Push2 module.

The MigaBridge control panel is accessible from the Siberian Frontend sidebar and is very simple, it allows you to deactivate the functionality when needed and to view all the individual push notifications intercepted and sent by the module.

LINK: https://support.migastone.com/en/hrf_faq/migabridge-module/